Written Content vs. Video Content: Which Is More Powerful?

Video content or text content? Which one is better for website and business promotion on the Internet? These questions are equal to the choice between instant and natural coffee, classical music, rap, white chocolate, or bitter. To successfully promote a blog, first of all, it is necessary to clearly understand and know the target audience. And even in this case, one part of it likes text more, and another part likes video more. Why such a choice? Because each type of content has both advantages and disadvantages. Let’s try to outline them today.

Video content – watch, review, save


Everyone creates videos: bloggers, marketers, advertisers, and businessmen. Cloutsy team can help you promote your content. They understand and agree with the fact that while watching the video, the user’s attention is doubled – both to the visual analyzer and to his hearing. That is, as psychologists will tell you – two sectors of the audience – visuals and audial, are involved in the active perception of information. Simply put, it is easier for our brain to perceive information consisting of a picture and sound than to study a large text. Therefore, today’s children would rather watch a movie than read a book.

Advantages and disadvantages of video

The most significant advantages of video content include the following:

Effective selling tool – creates the effect of personal presence that strengthens the importance of the information. And since video requires certain resources to create, this offer looks very expensive;

– Fast brain processing – it is considered that video information is processed 60 000 times faster than any other information. And this is understandable – human nature is lazy, and modern man is in a hurry all the time. So the more information you get per unit of time, the better;

– Getting quick and easy information – you don’t have to buy and search for a book. Just go to YouTube and put a keyword in the search box. And the service will pick you up and offer you a whole range of necessary video information.

As for the disadvantages of video, you need sound to fully watch and understand it. Just video is useless. So for mobile users, headphones are a must. If you don’t have them, you won’t be able to watch the video on transport. Find a certain minute where the essence of the video is concentrated – it’s impossible. You have to watch the whole clip. And this is also a loss of time. But now it is possible to mark the main points according to time under the video. But this is done quite rarely.

Advantages and disadvantages of text content

Articles on the site, the text on the banner or flyer, handwritten ads – it’s all text content. A person has been used to it for thousands of years. And although the video is less than 200 years – the priority is still on the text. This asserts the statistics. The advantages of text are:

– Easier to read. It is easier to get to the essence of the text, scrolling through unnecessary material, when reading involves the digital perception of information – an internal dialogue. Man as if he hears his voice, and he is always more convincing; there is an opportunity to think. You can read one block, stop, analyze and possibly return to the unclear place in the text. And also, just put the text aside if you need to distract yourself and return to it later;

– The text can be printed. You can take it with you and read it even when there is no Internet. You can copy or share the necessary fragment, which is easy to save;

– The main thing is that copywriting has higher efficiency and is more informative. There was a statistical experiment – the essence of an hour webinar was written out in the form of a text. It took about 10 minutes to read it and assimilate it. Of the disadvantages: reading takes more time. It takes about two hours to watch a movie, and the book can be read for a day or two. Much depends on the design and formatting of the text. If the text is poorly designed, its readability falls, and the reader leaves.

To sum it up

Although, at first glance, video saves us time, we are still mindful of its disadvantages. And just the opposite can be true – the text can deliver a message, even if more slowly, but more reliably. Both text and video are wonderful marketing tools. You just need to use them very clearly in accordance with the purpose of the content and the segment of the target audience.